Genn Search Support


Click here for Remote Support

Gennsearch can help, click on the Support link and run or save the desktop sharing application.

IE Support IE 7 Support : if you are using Internet Explorer 7 or IE 6 when you click on Support a window will open and you can run the TeamViewerQS.exe and another window will open that you also have to click on run. We will need the ID and Passoword to connect to your PC.


Firefox SupportFirefox Support : if you are using Firefox you will have to Save the File and then open and run the TeamViewerQS.exe Click OK and then run the application a small window will open and all we need to connect to you is the ID and Password, It is SAFE & SECURE.


This is what the window with the ID and Password will look like.

Genn Search Services

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John Wanamaker,


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