The Kingdom of Saudi Arabias ongoing concern to providing a decent life to its citizens extends to those with disabilities as well. We didnt want judges to apply different standards to people living in the same country. If the idea being proposed here is that people involved in khulwa and adultery should not be punished, that idea is not acceptable. In cases where a confession is made, then other things come into play, such as was it consensual or rape and whether either of them was married at the time. However, the USA is guilty of supporting the Saudi regime, which receives the most American aid of any nation other than Israel, and that is something Americans should be ashamed of. Ordinary instruments whose content is fully or partially recognized. and its time to be happy. The Shariah courts are organized into several categories: Courts of the First Instance (Summary and General Courts), Courts of Cassation and the Supreme Judicial Council. When you are brutal to others, you should be met with the same force. Jewelry, TVs, computers and everything of value was taken. Saudi Arabia is a unique tax jurisdiction where companies based in the Kingdom are generally subject to two different tax regimes - Zakat and/or Income Tax - based on the nationality of their owners. Nevertheless, surprisingly soon he is heard moaning and shouting. I can see that it is very helpful in dispelling misconceptions in the minds non-Saudis, because you give an objective picture of how things are and do not support an unjust practise simply because it happens to be Saudi You are certainly not biased in your views. the person who offered the position was a wealthy lady and had with her a maid from malaysia and treated like a slave .if that saudi rich woman did that in europe or america she would be scraping herown pots ironing her own clothes and so on .irecently saw adocumentary about the pakistani workers in the oil field and its scandalous .THEY ARE SLAVES.a handful of people have toomutch andthe rest go hungry. . Quite frankly, the act of cutting off a persons hand, for anyone for any reason is just pain wrong. The Quran tells us: not to make friendship with Jews and Christians (5:51), kill the disbelievers wherever we find them (2:191), murder them and treat them harshly (9:123), fight and slay the Pagans, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (9:5). I think khilwa thingi is a bullshit ( excuse my french) No Real Ethic or Morality; Only Rules. If the opponent or his representative is absent from the first session of the opposition hearing; The court decides on its own initiative to waive his right to object, and this resolution is final. On the other if you are accused of any crime, the full wrath of the law (or how it is interpreted by judges) will fall on you and you will be made to pay the same (or worse) price than men. Ironic that your book is the revelations of a white European that created a book as harsh as the Old Testament that preceded it by 2500 years, and pontificates a message little different (the wrathful/vengeance & jealous God), but whose followers changed with time, necessity & survival, and saw the lessons & interpretations were perhaps viewed by lesser intellects of the day, and were worthy of some reinterpretation and reconsideration. 10. I dont think i can remember the last time I read or heard a funnier phrase than pairs who seem too happy to be related I told this to my brother since he is the one who ever lived in the kingdom and the whole family are still laughing about this. [4]:160 Another important change is the establishment of appeal courts for each province. These hypocrites have one set of law for the poor Asians, another for the Westerners and another exclusively reserved for the Saudis. Just because someone is sitting with unrelated person in a public place, doesnt mean that it is not khilwa. He asked me one 50 saw a card I said no and after that he sent me following messages can anyone tell what does it mean. the woman is guilty too.she should feel embarrassment and pain. Hello, I enjoy reading all of your article post. In a May 2008 opinion column in Arab News, it was claimed that lashes were now being given out by traffic police, presumably meaning "on the spot" and without a court sentence. please suggest? 7. If the defendant fails to attend in situations related to marital matters, custody, alimony, visitation or guardianship, the court may order his presence forcibly. this is not me. @Jai Babu in Hindu religious book Ramayana, The Husband Ram has burnt the entire City of Ravana (which is not srilanka) for Ravana abducted Sita so why can a Muslim judge punish just two people for Adultery and immoral meetings? Why not appreciate this life? Legally, people with disabilities are protected under the Basic Law of Governance in accordance with the Islamic law, which ensures justice, equality and prohibits discrimination against all individuals of society, including the disabled. The ultimate penalty demands the perfect system to stand up to any level or moral scrutiny. that is not true, they are wahabis and they believe that who ever comes in here is slave to work for them. ", "Support for shake-up of Saudi justice system", "Specialized criminal court begins hearings against 85 people accused of terrorism", Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington, DC, "Saudi Arabia: Lengthy sentences for reformists a worrying development", "Saudi Court Tries Militants for Planning Attacks on U.S. Pingback: An Irreptitious Thief | Third News. what i have discovered has gone around the world and many songs have been written about itthe foo fighters last 4 albumscoldplays last 4 albums The opposition application shall be submitted in a memorandum in accordance with the procedures established for the prosecution, provided that the memorandum includes the number of the opposing judgment, its date, and the reasons for the opposition. What is your take on it? been 2 yrsi jas f0und ds website.. In one or two reports the offender was said to be tied upright to a post. hahaha October 1, 2009. Changes include the establishment of a Supreme Court and special commercial, labor and administrative courts. ok this is how things are ! Extramarital sex on the other hand is extremely serious and at the same time very hard to get convicted for. (vol. COME TO SAUDI ARABIA, IF YOU PREFER TO GIVE UP ON YOUR LIFE AND NEVER TRUST A SAUDI. My husband has converted to islam last year and married another woman recently. for this punish almost 20 year gone. Its hard to understand the motive behind the article. Dont be proud to reject the word of God. Why are so many of the men threatened by women? It will also highlight the five stages of issuing laws, which consist of Suggestion Stage, Voting Stage, Validation Stage, Release Stage and Publication Stage. June 2001 article in The Guardian (London), largely recycling information from Amnesty reports, including a first-person account of being flogged. Men 'Behaving Like Women' Face Flogging Health Mission:(202) 866-0767 If this is true, the paucity of such photographs might be explained by the fact that anyone caught taking pictures of such events is himself severely punished, according to some anecdotal evidence. If the defendant attends the hearing and the plaintiff does not, the defendant may request the court to proceed with the lawsuit and decide on whether it is fit for judgement. From there, they go straight to the courts and are lashed. The Court, in this case, works as a subject court and not a court of enforcing regulations. The proposed bill or law is submitted to the regulatory authority for approval or rejection. Voit pirist pivi esimerkiksi lhtemll deitilloe tai heittytymll Anybody (who thinks and asks questions) can see that. Answer, youre not supposed to go out in the first place. Dear sir, update me .if some have pay his punishment by the Saudi government & been released .after paying his charge .Is the crime will be valid for his career ? There are highly selective quotes from various naive letters to British newspapers upholding tough sentences. Of course not, because no matter what they did, it does not excuse acting with such barbarity toward them. should i take my wife with me against her father? However, his plan backfired as his son was also convicted and sentenced to flogging. The Courts of Appeal shall review the judgments issued by the courts of First instance, after hearing the litigants' statements, in accordance with the Shariah Procedure Law and Law of Criminal Procedure. It is like a person thinking with only half a brain!. barbarian rules!! The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has recently issued a Judicial Costs Law (the " Law "), which will come into effect on 10 Shaaban 1443 AH corresponding to 13 March 2022 AD. It is long past time for homophobia, misogyny, and moral judgment based on immoral books to be things of the past, and most of all long past time that we left behind the divisive and judgmental effects of mythologies from thousands of years ago. SHAKIR: O you who believe! Why doesnt the Saud Kingdom allow churches, synagogues, Hindu temples, Buddhist places of worship, or any other places of faith besides Islam. The woman was also [4]:160 The reforms have yet to be implemented in full but, once they are, will include the creation of a Supreme Court,[4]:160 and the transfer of the Board of Grievances' commercial and criminal jurisdictions to a restructured general court system. Personally, I myself hold the view that even in case of a large-scale theft hands should not be cut off and there should not be any punishment for two unrelated people of opposite sex meeting in public. Children should not be punished for their actions. [11], Qadis generally have degrees in Sharia law from an Islamic university recognized by the Saudi government with, in many cases, a post-graduate qualification from the Institute of Higher Judiciary in Riyadh. 1. Both my husband and I did not say anything so I dont know if it was cut off as punishment or due to an accident or illness but I bet lots of people wonder when they meet him. Mentions that hundreds of political demonstrators were sentenced to flogging, but it was not known whether these sentences had been carried out. End secrecy, end suffering - an Amnesty International briefing you are very brave . You dont have to worry about the necks of the Saudis; those privileged necks (except for the very few under privileged) will rest firmly on their shoulders and are well taken care of no matter how heinous the crime they may have committed. Fucking disgusting, how mindlessly some of you follow a book that was probably written by some insane crackpot that grew up without any real understanding of the world. How do you know Muhammad wasnt a narcissist? Good journalism is to create discussion and thinking and she just did. how about for foreign people who came to work here in Saudi Arabia doing harami things. The terms were considered too broad and harsh, requiring . One of them had been sentenced to lashes, which were never inflicted. It is surrealyou cannot decide to whom you speak or with whom you have coffee? Some years back I had the opportunity to work in Saudi Arabia for two long years. Saudi Arabia - Judicial Costs Regulations. (according to a 2006 description of it from Washington Law University). In summary, Saudi Arabia has in the last few years implemented radical and wide-ranging reforms to increase efficiency and improve predictability within its legislative and judicial systems. Amazon Price Please tell us why The third source is Ijma, the consensus of opinion of Muslim scholars on the principles involved in a specific case occurring after the death of the Prophet. Why is it that god never seems to be able to deal with these things himself without the help of his followers? lucknow news. If the representative is an attorney, he shall be the one who has the right to trust according to the Law. Sometimes, there are alot of stories, where in some poor developing countries workers are setup for the crimes they have not committed. I would not call any religion a virus per se. Saudi and other Islamic nations need to rethink. Sharia Law is inferior to Common Law developed in England and what is better is that we have a complete separation of Church / Mosque & State. Consulate/Visa Section:(202) 944-3126 What I find astonishing is the way women in a country like KSA have no legal status as adults, yet are held fully accountable for criminal actions. I can see how such topics can be difficult to discuss, I dont agree on authorities penalizing Khilwa, it will never stop, and it cant be dealt with as such, capital punishments deserve to be visited by scholars for re-evaluation of a more evidence-based, constructive and less harmful punishments, keep on blogging!!! After the arbitrator(s) are chosen, the SCCA will contact the arbitrators and notify them of their appointment and follow the procedures set forth on the Rules regarding disclosures. A Judicial Caning in Saudi Arabia - A Kane Magazine Short Story C. Holder, G. Harrison Marks (Editor) 0.00 0 ratings0 reviews A trip to Saudi Arabia, being in possession of alcohol, there can only be one outcome. There are numerous services provided to the elderly dedicated to health, social services, logistic services, and education and training services. Ask any expat who lives in saudi arabia, they always suggest not to take a cab with a saudi local. few interesting things or advice. a sentence of 40 lashes was handed out to a 75-year-old woman in Saudi Arabia! It will take you through the four bodies of the Judicial System in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia including the Supreme Court, Appellate Court, First Instant Court, and Enforcement Court. I want to ask your help. Failure to do one of the aforementioned conditions leads to the opponent being considered absent. Indian muslim can get the saudi arabia punishment. so its a kind advice from my side please leave the imperfect and come to the perfect may ALLAH bless you. Under sharia, do women suddenly, magically acquire a full brain and mind when they are seen to step out of line (or just be accused of that)? If they attempted to run away or became pregnant, they were jailed and sometimes lashed". please change the system of punishment. Caning is one of themost popular forms of corporal punishments in many countries. I remember how angry they looked if someone SMILED as though a smile was an affront to them and God. Lets go to first principles. However, no news reports to that effect have come to hand. One Western medical worker who was herself imprisoned on fraudulent charges of "attempted seduction" has reported that several women in Saudi prisons "allege that on being arrested by police or muttawa [religious police], they are sexually molested". The Supreme Court is classified at the top of the judicial organization to receive a complaint against the court that issued the impugned decision and is not a party to separate litigation. coffee shops .. resturants.. are puplic places .. could be bussiness meeting .. friendship .. Kimtings Method To Go Viral. Saudi Arabia also announced judicial reforms, putting the Kingdom on a path to establishing codified law - a considerable step in a traditionally conservative country whose legal system is based on sharia, or Islamic law. if yes like cutting head its very very very wrong boz both are agree male and female then why punishment?? The Holy Prophet himself forbade people to ask questions so do not try to probe into such things. (The Meaning of the Quran, Maududi, vol. Although I think that she is not a journalist. Just search in google: In earlier years' editions it was "frequently". Allah Knows Best.. @nunu How does one take serious the reply from any individual who repeatedly uses zeros as vowels, omits vowels in others and combined zeros and o in the same word? The Online Dispute Resolution Protocol is designed to resolve small disputes, with a cap amount of 200,000 SAR, quickly, fairly, and inexpensively in order to move on with their business relationship. Maybe change updating, re-interpretation whatever you want to call it, IS possible. C. Holder is the author of A Judicial Caning in Saudi Arabia - A Kane Magazine Short Story (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 reviews) Lets say a young male and female from the US and England meet eachother in Saudi Arabia. I like thesaudiarabcountry rape&otherpunishment. SAUDI ARABIA: Judicial CP A very conservative version of Koranic law is in force in this exceptionally backward, corrupt and repressive country, a ruthless totalitarian dictatorship run by an absolute monarchy. It is the extreme rapidity of the strokes -- about four per second -- which is perhaps most surprising, and which makes this seem quite a different kind of thing from the formal and ceremonial manner in which JCP has typically been conducted in the British world (Malaysia, Pakistan, etc. The court, however, rejected this argument. RIYADH: Saudi Arabia has made significant progress in several judicial indicators, according to the World Economic Forum's latest Global . Another important factor in the justice system is the method of legal proceedings in Saudi courts, the seven judicial services, arbitration for commercial disputes and contacting licensed lawyers. At all events, this punishment is being inflicted by officials in uniform, who are presumably police or judicial officers of some sort. What a joke! The only way to rectify and balance this is to enable women to have up to four husbands. November 1997: Behind Closed Doors: Unfair Trials In Saudi Arabia THIS SO BAD TO KNOW OF SHARIA LAWS PEOPLE STEAL DUE THEY HAVE PROBLEMS ONLY NOT FOR SIMPLE THINK WAT WILL HAPPEN TO THERE PARNETS THESE TO BAD OF SAUDI LAWS . Stages of issuing laws in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: The first stage of issuing laws, and upon which the law-enactment process is established. "The man who lashes the girl has to hold a Koran under his right arm as he beats her. Please, please look into other translations, interpretations and the history of your faith and see for yourself. Amnesty International document. When I first went to Saudi Arabia, the mutawas were very active, but as the years passed, became more and more aggressive. It all looks decidedly informal and ad hoc and arbitrary, but then the whole Saudi system is very ad hoc and arbitrary. The party initiating the arbitration shall pay the appropriate filing fee as per the SCCA Administrator and Arbitrators Fee Schedule. thanks Ms. Eman .. The punishments that are most newsworthy when it comes to Saudi Arabia, are the ones given to people guilty of khilwa (unrelated man and woman alone together) and extramarital sex. "If the girls are not married, the hospital is bound by law to tell the police, and the girls are arrested. Islam has been no different than the other two monotheistic religions in this respect. Saudis have to hopelessly fall in love to take such a risk .. ! [10]:81, The capabilities and reactionary nature of the judges have been criticized. [4]:160 The Sharia courts will therefore lose their general jurisdiction to hear all cases and the work load of the government's administrative tribunals will be transferred to the new courts. Would I be merely dismissed as a hostile questioner? Khamisa and Fahd were sentenced to 40 lashes and four months imprisonment each, and Hadyan to 60 lashes and six months imprisonment. The Basic Law protects the elderly by providing a stable social security system, while the United Nations General Assembly adopted the following principles related to the elderly which includes their right to independence, participation, care, self-realization, and dignity. I think, these people donot respect other people, they think they are above all. Contracts and other instruments that have executive titles under the Law. 8. However, its your point of view, at last we all have to return to God to answer what we did on earth. for you to diss islam and then sign off with allahu akbar is quiet ironic for someone named slave and dismiss islam. The Saudi court system consists of three main parts. Currently, Saudi Arabia has a dual judicial system comprised of the Shari'ah Courts System (al-Mahakim al-Shariy'ah) and an independent administrative judiciary known as the Board of Grievances (Diwan a l-Mazalem). Take the case of the small Arab emirate of Sharjah. Do you think its okay that Muhammad beheaded a whole tribe (banu qurayza) as if they were all guilty? Various references to flogging, including a 1996 case in which two secondary school students were whipped for assault in front of their fellow-pupils and teachers. their relationship started a year ago and im wondering why the authorities can not catch them. and you will never find a single clue about QURAN that has been amended or not through out the history. Please remember when commenting the reason we suspended similar punishments in developed western countries wasnt because we felt the death sentence was too harsh (or barbaric as one poster put it) for any crime. Secondly, the majority of citizens of Saudi Arabia are so happy of their laws and government. Soldiers administering corporal punishment in the main square of Riyadh. If youre a woman and irrespective of age, on one hand, you cant make any decisons for yourself regarding health, work, education, travel, marriage, freedom of movement (the essence really of being human). THERE MUST BE A WAY TO SLOVE THING THEY SHOULD GIVE THE THEFT 4 OR 6 MONTHS JAIL AND RELEASE HIM NOT TO CUT OFF HIS HAND THINK IF HE HAS GIVE A CHANCE TO LIVE HE MIGHT LIVE AND WORK SUPPOSE IF HIS HANDS ARE CUT WAT WILL HE DO IN THIS WORLD . If there can be no questioning of a holy book why/how did yours come into being, if not by questioning both of the two well known holy books already in existence (in the region)!!?? Demand respect? On 23 March this year, an Islamic court there ordered two women to receive 180 lashes for alleged adultery. As far as from what I have learn, Umar AlKhattab as added the specific condition for ones theft to be punish according to the hudud. Judgments, court judgement, decisions of arbitrators, and authenticated instruments in a foreign country. Religion, all religion, by its very nature, causes intellectual stasis, which in turn causes cultural and technological stasis. The SCCA will conduct an administrative conference before the Tribunal is constituted to facilitate party discussion and agreement on issues such as arbitrator selection, languages, locations, channels of communication, process efficiencies, and any other administrative matters. The Capitalist World is a Cruel Bloodthirsty Game; But It does has It`s Rules. Rational arguments dont usually work on religious people, otherwise there would be no religious people. Saudi Arabia anchored a 2002 Arab League peace offer that a previous government, facing a bloody Palestinian uprising, essentially ignored. The perfect analogy! (LogOut/ Judgments, decisions and orders issued by the courts. If your god is so worried about what they are doing why doesnt he punish them himself? Would you not think the purpose of existence would be something of a higher purpose, for humans to use their intellect and ability to research, design, build and to have relations with other people? YUSUFALI: O ye who believe! Remember the case of a sentence of 40 lashes was handed out to a 75-year-old woman in Saudi Arabia! O ye who believe! Living as a UK expatriate in UAE, Ive found it very interesting to understand these other viewpoints and your blog certainly informs. The reason we primarily stopped it was because we were putting to death people who were innocent of the crimes of which they had been found guilty, we simply could not ensure convictions where fair. The basic system of government in the Kingdom is based on justice and equality. In October 2011 eight workers from Bangladesh were beheaded for attacking an Egyptian security guard who had died in the process. Ayesha, your response is, at least, unfortunate. It is not permissible for a judge, a member of the Bureau of Investigation and Public Prosecution, or anyone working in the courts to act as an attorney for the litigants in the case even if it is filed before a court other than the one to which he belongs. First - Attendance and Power of Attorney in the litigation: Second Absence of Plaintiffs or Defendants from the Hearings, Developed and Maintained by Digital Government Authority, Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Ministry of Human Resource and Social Development, Levels of Courts in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Applications for Cases Courts - Najiz Courts, Juridical Data Interactive Indicators Service, Mobile Government Applications Justice Sector and Legal Affairs. Saudi Arabia is also working with multilateral institutions to provide support to Pakistan, Turkey and Egypt, as part of the kingdom's largesse to nations it deems "vulnerable," Al-Jadaan said. Legal and Judicial Structure Since Saudi Arabia is an Islamic state, its judicial system is based on Islamic law (Shari'ah) for both criminal and civil cases. And also just because a person is sitting with an unrelated person in a public place, doesnt also mean that IT IS khilwa..and also there is basically no exception watsoever..and this article only serves as exposing and creating awarenessnothing else!! First off all, all praises be to Allh, you have said the law which Saudi implements is cruel. The USSD has now decided to refer to all Saudi JCP as "lashing" and makes no reference to different implements. What kind of childlike communication attempt, as much an effort to appear generationally hip can be taken seriously, when the very idiocy they represent runs rampant in their ability (or inability/refusal) to conform to simple rules and standards of communication? On October 1, 2007, a royal order approved the new system. U.S. Consulate General Jeddah I certainly dont think the answer is to excuse women, thereby re-enforcing their child-like (lack of status) but such blatent hypocrisy is so disturbing. Step outside the box. Are they allowed to meet alone? These rules are just not fair !!! It does state how things are. Thanks for the insight by the way. It will also highlight the five stages of issuing laws, which consist of Suggestion Stage, Voting Stage, Validation Stage, Release Stage and Publication Stage. Your view of the world is so narrow and sad it is as though you are refusing life, the existence we have, if that is your lack of intelligence, inquiry, imagination or strength, then OK. thank you. Could it have been a copy-cat story? Public punishment in modern world shame by Facebook | Russell Webster, Dating In Saudi Arabia: Tips & Advice - Banker in the Sun. Why couldnt Muhammad convince his own town Mecca and had to convince people from another town, Medina? Why did so many people accuse Muhammad of being crazy? But if ye ask about things when the Quran is being revealed, they will be made plain to you, Allah will forgive those: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Forbearing. 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