The media url changed (it is now /uploads/sites/2/2022 instead of "/uploads/2022" in the old version) so I had to bulk replace all the media url in our posts, but WordPress still can't find the featured images. Once on the Developers Debug Tool page, find the Sharing Debugger tab, and paste the URL in question. A WordPress featured image appears as a thumbnail for your WordPress post or page. Now its time to look at the content within that page to ensure the featured images show up the way they should. The only thing to do next is to review and publish the post. For instance, you could cut down each featured image to 25% of its original size. We recommend checking out our article on inspecting elements using the browsers developer tools if youre using Chrome. Check out our guide here to learn more about the Facebook Debug Tool. Elementor theme builders do not allow drop down menus to be added. Youre better off using a plugin that can override the conflict than swapping out your entire theme and redesigning your website just to fix featured images. The Pexels collection isnt much different from your Media Library, except you have the luxury of finding beautiful photos without having to take them yourself. Its a good practice to know which photos look good on WordPress. Another way is to use a Button widget and choose the image option in the widget settings. Make sure its on the Block settings tab. Regardless of whether setting a proper alt text for images helps with SEO, you should do it anyway for accessibility reasons. Elementor can be used with PHP and MySQL. Yes, our widget isnt very useful. You never know when a human error may result in a featured image not being uploaded to your website. body a.novashare-ctt{display:block;background:#00abf0;margin:30px auto;padding:20px 20px 20px 15px;color:#fff;text-decoration:none!important;box-shadow:none!important;-webkit-box-shadow:none!important;-moz-box-shadow:none!important;border:none;border-left:5px solid #00abf0}body a.novashare-ctt:hover{color:#fff;border-left:5px solid #008cc4}body a.novashare-ctt:visited{color:#fff}body a.novashare-ctt *{pointer-events:none}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-tweet{display:block;font-size:18px;line-height:27px;margin-bottom:10px}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-cta-container{display:block;overflow:hidden}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-cta{float:right}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-cta-left .novashare-ctt-cta{float:left}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-cta-text{font-size:16px;line-height:16px;vertical-align:middle}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-cta-icon{margin-left:10px;display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-cta-icon svg{vertical-align:middle;height:18px}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple{background:0 0;padding:10px 0 10px 20px;color:inherit}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple-alt{background:#f9f9f9;padding:20px;color:#404040}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple-alt:hover,body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple:hover{border-left:5px solid #008cc4}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple .novashare-ctt-cta,body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple-alt .novashare-ctt-cta{color:#00abf0}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple-alt:hover .novashare-ctt-cta,body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple:hover .novashare-ctt-cta{color:#008cc4}WordPress featured images not showing properly on your site? The first is going about it manually, clicking on each post and page on your site and collecting the URLs into a document. This means you can upload several featured images and choose which one of them gets shown on different parts of your website. Thanks for this awesome plugin! To customize your homepage, you should select from a collection of background colors and fonts. Some websites already have hundreds or even thousands of featured images, so a bulk editing tool is required. Click on the Select Default Featured Image button. For instance, we added a Recent Posts feed on the homepage of our test site. With your position I solved a problem that lasted for months. Its used to show the start of a new section or an article. The theme doesnt allow for featured images, or you have to turn them on through the theme settings. Description If I. The presence of a featured image on your WordPress site also increases visual interest in your posts, helping you optimize your search engine results. You can search for the Cover block or scroll through the library to find it. Another way to use featured images is by listing a feed of your blog posts on your sites homepage (or any other page). Prerequisites I have searched for similar issues in both open and closed tickets and cannot find a duplicate. Your comment has been successfully submitted. Lets start with the simplest of solutions, making sure youre uploading your featured images properly. In that case, you should keep the photo under the Featured Image area and delete the one in the articles content editor. This is still common for many pages, or you may have rolled back the Gutenberg editor to use the old editor instead. For instance, the Image Size field tells your website how large to make those featured images in the list or gallery. The Multiple Featured Images plugin boasts several features that come in handy when troubleshooting and resolving your featured images problems. Elementor is the leading website builder platform for professionals on WordPress. The issue i am having is that the feature images is not being displayed above the title despite having "feature image" on. There are also thousands of professionally designed elements that will make your site easy to navigate. Select one of your blog posts that dont already have a featured image. Some of the most common issues that affect a featured images look generally involve incorrect sizing and using unoptimized photos. Another specific Open Graph module from this plugin is for Twitter. Dont forget to save the changes. For free, a fee, or with attribution. Be sure to Save the settings after youre done. Larger images get compressed and lose quality, while smaller images get stretched out and end up looking terribly blurred. Happy blogging. We suggest running a test to see if the featured images actually show on Facebook or not. As you can see, a different image appears in the Featured Image section. The following screenshot shows a post working well on Facebook since it includes a summary of the post content, with a link, the title, and the featured image. Yeah inside the Editor, when editing a post, clicking the Settings, then scrollow down past Permalink, Categories, Tags, etc. But what if the featured images arent showing on the blog page? Elementor is free and you can include any third-party libraries you want to add. In this module, you can select multiple images from your Media Library. [UPDATE] After purchasing and installing the pro version of FIFU, it suddently wordked! If youre using the Elementor page builder, setting a featured image is easy. You enabled Hide Featured Media > on custom post type. Clean and Optimized Code. As one of the solutions, we would suggest resetting oyur permalinks, this can be done by checking out this resource. The wrong featured image is showing up on Facebook. Get a personalized demo of our powerful dashboard and hosting features. So, I dont know how to show the featured image from URL, or other image that its external. We covered this solution already in the previous section, yet it fits well in the best practices, too. You may have to switch it from Page to Block. The whole point of a featured image is to serve as a visual introduction to the article, much like a title, and the first paragraph of an article provides previews to the reader of what they can expect to read. This lists various settings for the entire post and can also reveal Block-specific settings if you have a WordPress Gutenberg block currently selected. Do you have to have a certain plugin to have it show up? Some factors to consider when picking a photo for a featured image include: WordPress automatically creates copies of each image uploaded to the media library in thumbnail, medium, and large sizes. After each reinstallation, you should check to see if the featured images are still functioning and showing up properly. Plugins, although rather useful for building a WordPress website, occasionally have questionable coding. Picture source: Note: Youre always able to come in here and change the static homepage. Plenty of user role plugins allow you to alter the capabilities of default user roles. However an Elementor widget is not able to add flash objects. To add the featured images, click on the Latest Posts block. When your featured image has been enabled, you must upload it. Switching it to Large or Medium adjusts the sizing of all featured images in the block and adds more of a landscape view depending on your featured images dimensions. Featured images look much better when the width is longer than the heightoften around a 2:1 ratio. Please fill the required fields and accept the privacy checkbox. As a quick reminder, you can turn any WordPress page into the homepage by going to Settings > Reading in the dashboard. We usually recommend editing an image before uploading it as a featured image (third-party editing tools have more advanced features). Its also possible that you would like to replace a certain category of post or page to all have the same featured image, whether thats a professionally designed image that indicates the article is for a tutorial or maybe for putting your logo a relevant image on all webpages. Before tinkering with the sizing, its best to make sure the chosen images can represent your blog page. The WordPress navigation menu is an essential part of a websites design. Its easy to grab a quick image that relates to the article just to save time. Find the Add Open Graph Meta Data switch and make sure its set to Enabled. These widgets will compliment the theme and provide your site with a more professional appearance. It was designed to allow you to create dynamic websites very quickly. Your hosting provider generally sets this value, so it may vary. Theres a long list of settings to mess around with, so its entirely up to you. Elementor (2020-04-03) is the current method of learning that is described in FIFU. When using the "Dynamic Posts Widget" in elementor pro (featured image is selected), no image is showing up. Were most interested in the bulk editing tool for this tutorial. Maybe you encounter one of the following: Luckily, WordPress already includes a wide range of photo editing tools for you to ensure the featured image looks professional. Elementor offers a limited number of options for adding additional widgets. Hence, many hosts, and WordPress itself, define a maximum upload file size. This is the only section of the dashboard that gets changed by the Default Featured Image plugin. We recommend reading our guide on WordPress user roles to ensure everyone on your team can access and view featured images at all times. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Get the most out of your WordPress website with fully managed and WordPress-optimized web hosting. However, you may have to update previously published posts for the default featured image to show up on those. Stick with landscape sizes over portrait photos. These dont control your featured image, but they show up right below the featured image, so its important for displaying the content. Hey! Here, youll see a Progress Bar at the top of the page. This page creator is perfect for those who want to share their work on the web. To remove that image block, click on the three-dot icon after selecting the image block. Thats because theres no need to activate an Open Graph plugin with Kinsta. We recommend only using a media hosting platform, or maybe another website host that you own yourself. Well implement that in the next version, 3.9.7. Some non-WordPress image editing tools you can use are GIMP, Photoshop Express, and Paint.NET. Once youve selected an image, you can crop it, resize it, or add a caption. This button has disappeared for me on WordPress. Hit the Enter key to activate the crop and see the result in the preview. Check out our features. All selected images appear as thumbnail previews in the plugins dashboard. Without automated featured images, youre left with blocks of text and links to webpages. A thumbnail of the image you go with shows up under the Featured Image panel in your Post Settings. It does this by halting the loading of images on a page until they come into view on the screen. Supporter Working Hours Incorrect WordPress dashboard settings can cause featured images not to show up in your post and page lists and the WordPress editor. As for plugins, outdated code is the most common reason for a plugin conflict. When seeking out a featured image, always consider starting with a larger, high-resolution photo. If youre still having problems, go to SEO > Social in the WordPress dashboard. Usually, duplicate featured images arent two featured images, but one featured image and a separate photo in the articles content area. When you publish a new post, the featured image appears in a list of posts alongside the title of the post. Youre better off editing a photo to meet those suggested dimensions before uploading it to WordPress. You can upload an image to be your cover by clicking on the Select Media or Upload buttons. Such plugins may not be the best solution if they block the featured image from being shown on a Latest Posts list, or if they make the featured image load slowlythe featured image should load immediately for optimal user experience. I disabled it , proved it worked, then enabled it to test and noticed that when enabling it again, this time it had automatically added in the new websites into the exceptions list and now everything works again!! It also includes various tools that you can use to track traffic. This fantastic WordPress plugin allows you to build websites that are ideal for your business, regardless of your skill level. All the visuals of your website, including featured images, contribute to your website performance, user experience, and overall SEO efforts. As always, we recommend backing up your WordPress site before making edits to the code. Porto uses it in serveral demos already such as It Services. This could lead to a photo owner reaching out and asking you to remove many of your featured images, or worse, threatening legal action. Elementor Featured Image Not Showing. Thats a sure-fire way to eliminating legal problems. Included pot file for quick translation on any language. You may discover that your theme does well with slightly wider or shorter featured images. The built-in editor for this popular CMS has a variety of blocks and templates. Your latest posts should appear wherever you placed the block on your homepage. Note: Many website owners use third-party gallery or post listing plugins to make this happen. Your dashboard settings could have the featured image fields completely turned off. If you want to display a cover image on the Post category page, please go to Appearance -> Customize -> Layouts -> Page Header -> Display -> Display on categories page: Cover. Regardless, you must bulk edit these featured images so that youre not spending hours editing each and every one of them. How to Fix WordPress Featured Image Not Showing: 7 Solutions, 1. Everyone can read this forum, but only Toolset clients can post in it. One of the last areas to consider for the Featured Image section (in the Latest Posts block) is the number of items you show in the block and how many columns make up the block. In general, a cover image is far more customizable directly from the WordPress dashboard than a featured image. Make sure the right featured image is selected in the Media Library. Elementor is a plugin that allows you to create websites using WordPress. The featured image is too small or too large. You may see a simple list of links, along with descriptions from those posts. If youre going with this route, we recommend an image compression plugin that automatically shrinks and optimizes all images uploaded to WordPress, such as Optimole or Imagify. The Large Size often dictates the featured image dimensions when shown at the top of a post or page. To begin, install and activate the OG plugin on your WordPress site. Most WordPress themes have different featured image settings. Regardless, all of these errors are frustrating and confusing for users. Quick google search says that there may be a jetpack conflict, but my jetpack settings that were referred to weren't on. After the plugin is installed and activated, go to Featured Images > Bulk Edit. When I exported post and media and imported on my new site everything was fine eventually. The good news is that there are no setup costs or hidden charges to worry about. Make sure the Featured image toggle is switched on. If not, how do you go about fixing that problem? You can solve this by adding the following code to the bottom of your themes functions.php file via an FTP client or a File Manager: Reload your admin dashboard and clear the website cache to see whether the featured image section appears when editing a post or page. You can now go to Posts > All Posts in your dashboard to view the posts in a list and make sure the featured images truly got replaced in the posts. This gets around the idea of uploading an image to your WordPress Media Library and activating that image as a featured image. For simplicity, well stick to uploading featured images to regular WordPress posts and pages but if youre interested in learning more, heres a complete WooCommerce SEO guide that covers this & everything else, including Schema Markup up for your products and more. By clicking on the Set Featured Image button, you can access the WordPress media uploader. After figuring out how to properly set a featured image in WordPress, the next step is to make sure it looks right. Some of the most common causes of a featured images appearance being affected include incorrect sizing and the use of optimized photos. Configure WordPress Dashboard Settings, 6. To change the PHP memory limit, users of PHP hosting sites can use hPanel. Its possible a theme changed this. To enable or disable a featured image, select it from the switch next to the Og:image tag. Also, you can typically enable the Open Graph markup directly from an SEO plugins settings. If the display conditions are set correctly, go to your homepage Settings and look for Elementor Canvas on your homepage. A post or elementor featured image not showing and activating that image as a thumbnail of the dashboard WordPress post or.. That youre not spending hours editing each and every one of the most common reason for a plugin.... 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